Do you suffer from work related stress, panic attacks or overwhelming anxiety? Ways to relieve stress have become a necessary part of our lives. In this article we will uncover the various forms of stress, identify the warning signs and briefly discuss how you can add a simple stress management technique to your arsenal of weapons to fight stress, anger, depression and anxiety. Once you become the master of your emotions, you let loose your minds naturally ability to think and act with unlimited success.
The most common form of stress is called acute stress. Some people actually seek out this form of stress because of the thrill and excitement it produces. Perhaps that is why extreme sports and death defying roller coasters are all the rage. Usually episodes are short lived and do not produce the harmful side effects associated with prolonged stress. Because it is short term, acute stress doesn't have enough time to do the extensive damage associated with long-term stress. That's not to say that over indulgence in thrill seeking is healthy, it can produce a long list of symptoms including depression, hostility, headaches, dizziness, muscle pain and stiffness, heartburn, even diarrhea. So for all you adrenalin junkies looking for your next fix of excitement, consider the physical consequences, especially if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms.
Then there is episodic acute stress, experienced by those of us who's lives seem to be defined by one crisis after another. In today's fast paced world we are all expected to keep up. There are demands placed on us at work, school even at home. Despite all the modern conveniences and time saving techniques there is still only twenty four hours in a day. This constant need to keep up causes irritability, anger, and tension between us, family, friends and workmates. All our relationships suffer when episodic acute stress is a part of our lives. Once you master the stress management techniques known as releasing you can stop a stressful episode from escalating out of control, you can even prevent it from happening.
Ways To Relieve Stress
Do you worry about everything? Have you become a Chicken Little proclaiming the sky is falling, the sky is falling. Anxiety and doom are everywhere, disaster is eminent, anything bad that happens always happens to you, you attract it like a magnet. Prolonged episodic acute stress can cause heart disease, high blood pressure and migraines. Sufferers from this form of stress may even require professional help.
Lets not forget chronic stress produced by the day to day grind of a hopeless situation, whether it is a dead end job, a loveless marriage or an abusive family situation. Another form of chronic stress can have its cause in a traumatic experience as an adult or child and can stay with us for years. It can become an old friend always there, you get use to it and don't seek help. The worst part is, chronic stress kills. It erupts in violence, heart attacks and suicide. Ways to relieve anxiety should be used to protect your mental and physical health.
The best part of stress, is, that are feelings, beliefs and attitudes can change. We have the ability to let go of stress and anxiety in all its forms. The art of letting go or releasing stress is a very powerful stress management technique, that is easily learned and applied.
For additional ways to relieve stress and anger, read or listen to these testimonials from people who conquered their problem, you can too! Watch the video and listen to those who use to suffer from anxiety to learn what they did to set themselves free of worry, stress and anxiety attacks, with out the use of medication. Just follow the link to the natural anxiety panic attack treatment center at