When people experience chest pains, as many do in their lifetimes, the first thing that they think of is the dreaded heart attack. However, chest pain is actually quite common in many people, and is usually unrelated to heart issues completely. Back pain in chest areas is very common when muscles in the upper back are pulled, strained, or otherwise injured, and people should be aware that this can be a symptom of a back problem, not a heart attack. You can never be too careful with your health, but when you are otherwise healthy and have sudden back pain in chest areas, you need to rule out other symptoms quickly so that you know it is just back pain and not something more serious.
If your back pain in chest areas comes with nausea, dizziness, sweating, heart palpitations or a racing pulse, or pain in your arms or neck area, then you might want to consider the possibility that you're having a heart attack. If you experience chest pains with tightness, racing pulse, and other small symptoms, it might just be stress or an anxiety or panic attack. Furthermore, when the pain that you experience is just pain and comes with muscle spasms and back pain as well as chest pain, you probably pulled a muscle in your back and simply need to lie down and rest. While you should rest sore muscles and back injuries, you shouldn't avoid moving because the muscles will become stiff. Take it easy, use over the counter pain medication, and try heating pads or ice packs to get the best chances of relief. If that doesn't work, see a doctor.
Back pain in chest areas is easily treated and relieved usually, because it is often the result of pulled muscles. Unlike lower back pain, which can stem from many chronic conditions and much more severe situations, upper back pain that causes chest pain is fairly treatable and generally heals completely within 4 to 6 weeks. There is no need to have surgery, extensive procedures, or even expensive treatments done. As long as you can manage the pain yourself and don't have any other symptoms, you will be fine. If you feel safer talking to your doctor, or the pain increases or is severe to begin with, you should seek out medical treatment for your back pain.
Even though so many people experience back pain in chest areas, it's still scary for every person who is new to the experience. By taking the time to learn about all of the different types of pain and symptoms that you can experience, it can put you much more at ease when you lift something heavy, move wrong, or are involved in some activity that causes upper back pain and chest pain that might otherwise be mistaken for heart problems or other medical conditions. Make sure that you take the time to rule out the other symptoms, and try to remain calm during the experience so that you don't put yourself into an anxiety attack or heart attack by panicking before you take the time to determine what is wrong.
Once you have figured out the cause of your back pain in chest areas, you will be much better able to seek treatment, whether that is a home remedy of rest and heat or ice therapy, or physical therapy and prescription medications in severe cases. All that matters is that you take the time to rationally determine what is wrong so that you don't overreact to a situation that might be quite insignificant in the grand scheme of things. As long as you're careful and educated on the back pain that you are experiencing you will be fine. If you choose to see a doctor, or if the pain is severe enough that you cannot go without seeing a doctor, you should make sure that you disclose everything so that you get the proper treatment the first time around. It doesn't matter whether you visit your family doctor, a chiropractor, or even a physiatrist because they can all help develop a treatment to relieve your pain and heal your back problems when they happen in this area.