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2011年6月11日 星期六

Learn How to Start Breathing Healthy in Order to Avoid Pain

This is the breathing that provides the body all it needs and for the necessary conditions for sound health. Poor breathing can lead to chronic over breathing which in the medical circles is associated with asthma, sinusitis, emphysema, bronchitis, chronic anxiety and panic attacks for adults. Children suffer from snoring chronic mouth breathing and abnormal nonracial development.

In curbing these disorders healthy breathing has fundamental importance in our bodies in that: it provides energy which is needed for the production of energy, helps in maintaining pH levels, control and balance the carbon dioxide and oxygen levels for normal body functions.

The main function of breathing is to maintain a specific ratio of oxygen to carbon dioxide. For this to be achieved then healthy breathing is needed where healthy breathing can be said to be: the ability to breathe comfortably, easy breathing, calm body and mind, body adjusts to different conditions with ease, quiet breathing, energized body, proper use of the diaphragm, enough sleep.

Those being the conditions for proper breathe it can also be disturbed by some factors hence improper functioning of the body, viz are stress, poor body posture, infections and diseases, some medication, poor diet, climate and some chemicals. These are evident in that most times the parsons affected breathe through the mouth and not the nose.

Mouth breathing is dangerous as it leads to hypertension. This make the body to produce more mucus than is needed, creation of a swelling in the nasal canals and a spasm smooth muscle rings of the bronchi leading to the aforementioned disorders.

Disturbed breathing happens in the upper chest using the secondary muscles of respiration. Asthmatic individuals breathe about fifteen times and in times of attack increase it to twenty breaths per minute. Exertion in over breathing leads to palpitations and tightness of the chest. This is due to the excess production of lactic acid. The intake of oxygen is depended on the amount of carbon dioxide, the lower the carbon dioxide the lower the oxygen intake.

Brent Archer has experience in many areas and just created his new site

He shows the importance of using a Respironics CPAP Mask in order to get rid of the intense and unbearable breathing pain you might be experiencing.

