Acupuncture is a therapeutic practice that has been used for thousands of years as a way to relieve pain throughout the body. According to traditional Chinese medicine, it works by utilizing acupuncture points located throughout the body on the meridians through which Qi - or life energy - flows. Various needles are inserted into these points throughout the body to relieve pain related to stress, headaches, and a variety of other ailments. While there is no scientific explanation for how or why acupuncture works, hundreds of millions of individuals around the world regularly use acupuncture, and it has been in use since at least 2,600 BC, as referenced in the Shiji, or Records of the Grand Historian, written by Sima Qian over a period of time from 109 to 91 BC.
With at least 4,500 years of use behind it, acupuncture has a long history of proven effectiveness, despite the fact that scientific research has yet to definitively understand the reasons behind its effectiveness. For many individuals it remains a controversial practice, especially among medical researchers and clinicians due to the fact that none of the benefits have been able to be proven scientifically, with many of them concluding that the effectiveness of the treatment is largely a result of the placebo effect. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization published a list showing that acupuncture was effective for the treatment of at least 28 different conditions, and anecdotal evidence to suggest it could be effective for treating several dozen others.
Whether or not acupuncture has scientifically provable results does not change the fact that it helps hundreds of millions of individuals around the world deal with various pains and stress factors in their lives. It first became popular in the United States after an article in The New York Times in the 1970s by James Reston, who underwent an emergency appendectomy while in China and was treated during the postoperative process with acupuncture as a way to relieve the pain, which inspired the first national group focusing on acupuncture in the United States, called the National Acupuncture Association. Despite the fact that it is not clinically proven by modern science, the IRS allows acupuncture to be deducted as an actual medical expense, and has since 1973.
How Does it Work?
The stress response is nothing more than a particular set of biochemical reactions within the body that occur when something stressful happens, whether mentally or physically. During these times, the body releases a series of chemicals in the blood which set into motion a complex chain of events that include increased heartbeat, increased breathing rate, high blood pressure, and increased muscle tension. This is also described as an adrenaline rush, or the fight or flight response. During these periods of time our bodies are given additional strength, energy, and alertness to deal with whatever stressful situation has occurred, and while over short periods of time there is no damage, if the stress is allowed to become chronic or out of proportion, this normally healthy response can become pathological in nature. For example, increased alertness can cause mental strain, anxiety, insomnia, or exhaustion, while increased breathing rates can lead to panic attacks, and an increased heart rate can lead to palpitations. Then there is the side effect of enhanced muscle tone which can lead to muscular tension, pains, and tremors.
In the 21st century, many individuals live in an almost constant state of stress, continually triggering one event after another, leading to a chronic cycle of stress where the body's natural energy reserves are depleted, and consequences set in. Some of the most common symptoms of a stress overload include headaches, backaches, skin disorders, sleeping disorders, or even gastric problems, while psychological side effects can occur as well, ranging from depression to anxiety, memory loss, reduced cognitive function, poor concentration levels, and a lack of confidence. Chronic stress can lead to long-term health problems such as strokes, high blood pressure, and increased risks of cardiovascular diseases, so the importance of reducing stress levels cannot be overstated. One of the first steps to a long life is a heightened sense of well-being, or an elimination or decrease in life stress.
Acupuncture is beneficial because it helps regulate muscle tension and other various physical stress-related factors in the body. One does not need to believe in Qi or energy forces to believe the 4,500 years of clinical evidence. Whether or not medical science can prove it, acupuncture has a proven ability for decreasing heart rates, lowering blood pressure, and adding a tranquilizing effect for individuals suffering from stress. Acupuncture can help relieve feelings of anxiety and depression by stimulating muscle groups in the body, which stimulates the release of chemicals in the body that work against the stress-related chemicals, thus eliminating stress.
Perhaps one of the most important aspects of acupuncture is the fact that it is not a pharmaceutical, and the methods by which it creates an increased sense of well-being are completely natural, using nothing more than the body's own reactions to stimuli in much the same way as massage therapy. Acupuncture can increase circulation, and when used for symptoms of repetitive stress injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome or wrist tendinitis, it causes pain-killing endorphins to be released which counteract the pain in the body, and once pain is gone, the stress level decreases. This can work for individuals suffering from back pain, knee pain, or any type of pain within the body. It also helps relieve tension headaches and works in much the same way as massage therapy, inducing a feeling of calm and peacefulness in the patient, which allows for a transition into a stress-free lifestyle. And while it is true that much of how acupuncture works is not understood by medical science, the fact that hundreds of millions of individuals around the world have been using this method for thousands of years should inspire you to at least give it a chance and see what you think for yourself.
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