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2011年6月16日 星期四

Health Warrior Premium Chia Seeds, 16-Ounce Pouch

Health Warrior Premium Chia Seeds, 16-Ounce Pouch"A tablespoon of chia is like a smoothie made from salmon, spinach, and human growth hormone. As tiny as those seeds are, they're superpacked with omega-3s, omega-6s, protein, calcium, iron, zinc, fiber, and antioxidants. If you had to pick just one desert-island food, you couldn't do much better than chia, at least if you were interested in building muscle, lowering cholesterol, and reducing your risk of heart disease; after a few months on the chia diet, you could probably swim home."

- as described in the New York Times best-selling book "Born to Run", by Christopher McDougall


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