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2011年1月23日 星期日

The effects of anxiety-4 ways it can harm your health

From time to time, we have all experienced feelings in order. We are nervous before large or presentation. Our Palm get sweaty before the difficult test. We need to worry and Fret on the family. However, if these feelings are the experience regularly, and in the long term, this may be considered anxiety chronic. This can lead to panic attacks, the voltage and the physical and emotional strain. In addition, it can be dangerous and adversely affect our health. If you believe that you have this condition chronic, here are some common the concern of effects in the body.


This type of fatigue is different from fatigue due to bring physical exercise or lack of sleep. Anxiety-caused fatigue in General will feel completely after the filtration the energy, even if you did nothing to cause. This is the result of excess adrenaline in the body. If you constantly moments from fear, intense worry and dread, you can take a toll on your body and leave you in a State of constant exhaustion. Perform simple everyday tasks can be difficult, and regardless of where you sleep, you may not feel refreshed and rested.


This symptom, also known activities as or tension headaches, is the result of increased muscle tension in the neck and back. These are the most common type of headaches and are usually easy to diagnose. Usually those who have them stress is subject to multiple or hold tight heads for long periods of time. For most people it starts as a dull pain and gravity, which is sometimes referred to as wyciskaj?c rather than throbbing sensation. Tension headaches tend to start with the graceful and increasingly severe. Pain in the temples, forehead, both sides of the head or on the back of the head and neck.


Insomnia is one of the earliest indicators of concern effects and are interchangeable. insomnia in other words, it can cause her and distress insomnia can cause. For some of the problems of places can cause or increase the concern symptoms and other constant worrying keep pace in the night, which leads to anxiety increased and health other problems. Therefore be vicious. There are two insomnia types; interim or insomnia short term and chronic insomnia. Almost everyone has experienced insomnia short-term, such as the night before the wedding, interview or other significant event. This is usually associated stress causing the events. However, if it continues for more than a month, then it is chronic and more serious.

Loss of appetite

This is a common symptom, in Add to ition probably is one of the most obvious concern, effects stress and reduction. When frightened panic deleted, or feeling worthless and exhausted, no one feels like eating. On the other hand, there are also those whose appetite increase significantly, but they are in the minority. Loss of appetite is more common and may endanger the health our. We eat less than normal, our bodies begin recording stored fat, which ultimately leads to poor nutrition and weight loss.

If the concern the long-term effects, you can Add itionally increase Your blood pressure, strain, avoid placing the heart and organs. These effects can also increase the chances of stroke. Fortunately, there is help concern to deleted. Many treatments are available, the medicines to aid Auto strategy. For those who have this condition, it is recommended that you search for therapy to cope with the debilitating symptoms.

Need help with panic attacks? More information can be found in the are of concern. Download the art of anxiety and panic, and why most other programs do not work. Take back control of your life and put an end to the anxiety for good. click here to the risk free trial now!

