Millions of people with anxiety disorders go on to live their lives without anxiety help. Some people don't want to rely on medication because they can be potentially addictive and have side effects. Medication is also not the best solution for anxiety disorders since they only treat the symptoms and not the root cause of the problem. Often anxiety disorders are brought on by repetitive negative association with a particular experience.
Many people find that they become dependent on medication and cannot carry on their day without them. Some even become chronic users taking medication daily for years. This raises concerns since sufferers not only become addicted to medication but also tolerant. Sufferers find it difficult to wean off medication and find that when they do, there anxiety symptoms return.
Fortunately medication isn't the only anxiety help available. Therapies such as CBT and hypnosis are much safer and effective means of treatment. This isn't to say medication can't be used in conjunction with therapy but a doctor's advice should be sought. Talk to your doctor about the best option for you and also the risks involved.
There are those that believe they have tried everything and have found that nothing works. Often people look for that miracle cure and expect results overnight. Unfortunately the mind takes time to recover and change, it is not a machine. Often anxiety disorders take months and even years to develop so one should not expect instant results.
Another common reason for not seeking anxiety help is simply that people don't recognize the symptoms of anxiety. This is because there are literally hundreds of unique symptoms. Many sufferers don't realize for years that they have an anxiety disorder. What's more there are various disorders and literally 100s of phobias, so one sufferer isn't expected to experience the same sensations as another.
Symptoms can change; one minute you have chest pains the next you might be hyperventilating. They can be intermittent and vary in severity depending on physical and emotional factors. Also they can seem non-descript or too general sounding; a headache, a stomach ache, random sharp pains and hot flashes. Sufferers might just accept their symptoms assuming that everyone experiences them.
Some sufferers realize that there is something wrong but don't know what. These people might also frequently see their doctors without ever finding a cause for their symptoms. Doctors are not always correct and sometimes misdiagnoses happen. Each person needs a unique physical and psychiatric assessment for an accurate diagnosis. What's more each person requires tailored anxiety help.
Need anxiety help? Discover a fast-acting natural solution to relieve panic attacks. Get the solution to an anxiety free life at the anxiety help site.