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2011年5月20日 星期五

Checkmate! - Conquering Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue

You hurt all over and are constantly exhausted; you have consulted your physician but have been unable to locate the cause of your discomfort. Lab results all have returned negative. Many times, you have been told that it is "all in your head". This is all too often the reality of day-to-day experiences of those that suffer with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue.

Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue affect the lifestyle of many people worldwide; many have given up hope of regaining their energy and zest for life due to the professed incurable nature of their disorder. Fortunately, contrary to popular belief, there is a great amount that can be done to improve and eliminate fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.


The body is versatile and is designed to adapt to the environment and conditions. For example, when walking into a dark room, the pupils of the eyes immediately dilate. This process of adaptation allows one to see in the dark by allowing more light to enter into the eyes. When undergoing excessive amounts of stress, the body adapts in a similar fashion. Specific hormones, epinephrine and norepinephrine, are produced to enable the body to respond to stress. After the stress has passed, the body is designed to rest and return to a normal state of balance.

Epinephrine and norepinephrine, also know as adrenalin, produce what is called a "fight or flight" response for the body. These powerful hormones are quickly released when one encounters any amount or magnitude of stress. This appropriate response allows the individual to properly encounter the stress or flee from it.

Body Response - 911

In response to epinephrine and norepinephrine, the body undergoes many rapid changes. The need for oxygen increases, muscles receive more glucose, blood pressure increases, eyes dilate, heart rate increases, digestion decreases, and blood is shunted to the legs. All of these responses encourage alertness and physical strength for encountering or fleeing a stress. If the stressful situation continues, the body will release an additional hormone called cortisol which will increase blood sugar by breaking down fat and protein. This mechanism is designed to provide quick energy for the body in the form of sugar.

If the body is unable to return to a state of "resting and digesting" and experiences continual levels of stress, the result of "fight or flight" will have a negative and destructive effect upon the body. Cortisol will begin to literally "eat the body alive". The following symptoms may arise as a result: fatigue, headache, indigestion, depression, insomnia, weight gain, muscle soreness, increase of pain, restlessness, anxiety, high blood sugar, constipation, diarrhea, decrease immunity, loss of concentration, memory problems, decrease sex drive, joint pain, muscle wasting, sore throat, allergies, panic attacks, heart palpitations, and fainting. Interestingly enough, these symptoms directly correlate with most symptoms of depression, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue!


How can one decrease their stress levels and turn off the uninhibited "fight or flight" response? Simply by addressing the needs of the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are hormone producing machines and are responsible for releasing epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, aldosterone, and secondary sex hormones. When the adrenal glands are worked overtime, they become worn out and decline in productivity. They begin to break down proteins and other vital components of the body to just sustain production of the needed stress hormones.

In order to achieve relief, the adrenal glands must have an opportunity to relax and heal through diet modification, relaxation / meditation, adequate sleep, nutrition supplementation, and perception habits.

Diet Modification

Adrenal overload causes an addiction to sugars - more severe cases causes addiction to salt. The diet should be modified to include an abundant amount of raw vegetables and fruits. Avoid modified and processed foods - these are designed to have a long shelf life, not assist your nutritional needs. Simple sugars and artificial sweeteners should be avoided - cakes, cookies, soda, high fructose corn syrup. Splenda, NutriSweet, and Sweet'N Low should be replaced with raw sugar, stevia, lou han guo, or agave nectar.

Relaxation / Meditation

Most people do not spend any time during the day relaxing or meditating. Most go from alarm clock to collapsing on the pillow. Some would suggest that they spend an hour watching television, but this is not relaxation. The body needs time each time to ponder, to think, to reason in silence. Spend 15 minutes per day in silence just focusing on you.


Many people sleep but do not rest and heal. Sleep cycles can be interrupted by high cortisol levels - cortisol regulates the circadian rhythm. Those that cannot fall asleep, have a difficultly waking up once they are asleep, or could sleep all day and still not feel well rested have too much cortisol being released from their adrenal glands. Cortisol levels can successfully be lowered within days with the addition of a proper nutritional supplement. Once the cortisol levels are regulated, the individual will sleep soundly and will actually begin experience rest and healing.

Nutrition Supplementation

The adrenal glands, in an effort to produce all of the needed hormones for the body to survive, attack the entire body for needed nutrients. Thus, the body leaves a state of health and enters into a state of survival. In order to reverse this cycle, the adrenal glands need nutritional and glandular support to begin to regenerate without stealing from the rest of the body. Proper nutritional supplementation to support the adrenal glands will begin to produce effects within days. These effects may not be noticeable initially, but over time will bring significant relief and healing.


An individual's perception is key to changing the patterns of stress on the adrenal glands. Two people can perceive the same situation entirely different. Many of one's perceptions have come from a lifetime of experiences. To change perceptions, it is necessary to begin to look at things from another's viewpoint and take a relaxed approach to situations. The emotions can also affect perceptions and should also be addressed as well.


By treating the adrenal glands, one will begin to experience more energy, a balance of body weight, a reversal of symptoms, and much more! Due to the increased level of stress present within our society, adrenal treatment can not only help and assist those struggling with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, but it can also prevent future outbreaks. Checkmate!

Nathan Schilaty, D.C. specializes in treating stress related disorders at his clinic located in Loveland, Colorado. Certified in Applied Kinesiology by the International College of Applied Kinesiology, he utilizes the best of muscle activation, homeopathy, nutrition, chiropractic, myofascial therapies, cold laser, and more to assist in the restoration of one's health.

You can discover more at Centra Chiropractic's Website

