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2011年4月1日 星期五

Researchers develop standardized model for the treatment of child anxiety and depression

( shows that about 1 out of 10 children and young people from a suffering from anxiety disorder. About five to eight percent suffer more, see depression. Both have serious long-term consequences for children and young people, if left untreated this relatively common mental disorders.

To seek help for their children, while many parents, it has shown that not all administered competently these children get, based on the latest findings of science and clinical advances in the field. Unfortunately for parents, it is impossible to know if your therapist practice worldwide is standards.

To resolve this issue, researchers Elizabeth Sburlati, Carolyn Schniering, turned Lyneham and Ronald Rapee Heidi from the University Centre for emotional health now focus their attention on a standardized model of the therapist skills for the treatment of children and young people with anxiety and depressive disorders to develop. Researcher results were in the International Journal of clinical child and family psychology review before online published.

The team led by Elizabeth Sburlati, first consulted leading treatment authors and experts from around the world these competencies identify therapist, which are effective to needed child and a teenager treat anxiety disorders and depression, with current evidence-based practices. She developed a treatment model that included expert recommendations.

Sburlati notes that while there are a number of treatments, which is known that for this type of disease effective, many therapists in the routine clinical practice either not using or not they implement correctly.

"Basically it has a gap between science and practice." This means that a large number of these children and young people by professionals, effective treatments do not receive treatment and are therefore not better, "she said."

This model been received the therapist skills of national and international experts in the field and has the potential to practice training programs are to develop on the.

"Now that we know, what therapists must can do effectively treat these children, we improve training programmes can, to teach these skills and ensure that all therapists meet a certain standard of competence", said Sburlati.

"This is professional standards in the area to increase and then many children and young people a treatment, to ensure that they receive effective treatment, and therefore the best chance of recovery".

More information: http://www.springe... 8553v7n1081 /.

Provided by Macquarie University

View the original article here

