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2011年5月21日 星期六

Anxiety Attack Symptoms - Are You A Victim of Chronic Anxiety And How You Can Release It?

Our emotions are a means of communication to helps us interact and communicate with ourselves and the rest of the world. However, feeling overwhelmed and taken over by life, for the most part, is certainly a signal to stop and check yourself. It was for me, at least. In certain cases, when not handled early, these uncontrolled negative feelings turn into an outburst , an attack of chronic fear, worry, confusion and apprehension.

With a demanding and fast-paced modern life that leaves most feeling pressed for some quality personal time, it is no wonder that you can fall victim to feeling bouts of anxiety or being nerve-wrecked.

Signs of Anxiety Attack

Since the daily experience of tension and stress is bad enough to leave us feeling exhausted by the end of the day, imagine what it feels like to go through an attack of feeling overwhelmed by your emotions of chronic anxiety, obsessive worrying, confusion.

Well, your heart pounds in your ears. The other symptoms are shortness of breath and as your breathing get constricted you feel suffocated as you feel a tightening in your chest. For some, these turn into chest pains and even pain in the stomach.The stress and rage in the sufferer causes him or her to tremble and shake as they break into sweat. All this while your emotions have completely swamped you. Typically, your anxiousness may leave you feeling restless, irritable, frustrated, deprived of sleep and even hopeless.

However, such persistent outburst of anxiety, if not managed or addressed, may lead you to the brink of an emotional illness that may even go beyond an anxiety attack.

Possible Causes of Anxiety

To prevent any anxiety attack or nip persistent frayed nerves in the bud, it may be good to get to the root of this emotion by finding out the cause.

Your source of anxiety could be a :

A specific unhealthy emotional or thinking pattern that triggers the onset of chronic fear and anxiety
A stressful situation , person , lifestyle, or environment that places unrealistic demands on your time, workload, relationships, finances, emotions, mind and body. It creates the conditions that results in you not being able to cope with life at this stage.
Anxiety attacks could be caused by side effects of long-term medication or illnesses such as thyroid problems. It is widely known that females are twice as likely to suffer from anxiety attacks than males although recent statistics show equal number of males and females seek treatment.
In rare cases, if its not due to stress, it could be the result of a traumatic past memory. The experience, of which you may be unaware, may have etched memories that you have yet to address.

How To Release Stress And Chronic Emotions

While having consulted your physician, an additional health tip for you is regular practice of yoga. An overall yoga routine helps you attain deep calmness as you eliminate your emotional, mental and physical body of the emotional irregularities, imbalances and fluctuations.

My practise of yoga over the last 10 years has gradually helped me eliminate my nervousness, states of panic, compulsive worrying, and distrust of the people which a decade ago was uncontrollable for me. Your habitual experience of worry and stress creates tension and constriction in your body and mind. In the long term, it may result in high blood pressure and many other stress-related conditions.

So before you hit the bed today, I want you to experience the power of relaxation. Find a quiet spot wherever you are where you won't have any distractions. Sit on a chair or floor, whatever works for you, then simply bring attention your gentle inhaling breath of 5 seconds and an exhalation of 5 seconds. Repeat this 10 times, very relaxed, no rushing.

And now I like to invite you to visit [] to get your FREE 12-part E-course that lays out powerful, proven stress relieving secrets and strategies that will transform your life by empowering your emotions and thoughts.

Shingka Kaur, a former journalist, is practitioner of Yoga of 10 years. Based on her own personal experiences and insights from Yoga and from her journey to inner peace, she provides effective and personally tested strategies to address your stress, anxiety and negative emotions.

