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2011年1月13日 星期四

Why shouldn't be ignored panic anxiety

Part of being human is that it's perfectly normal to feel anxious, worried and fearful once in a while due to things that our lives increasingly complicated bring. Feeling anxious is just one part of life. He ' increases the pace and really helps us to deal with tensions that can be found. However if you're constantly in a State of anxiety, it is likely that you will experience any anxiety & panic attacks.

A panic attack disorder anxiety is a sudden wave of overwhelming fear that comes without notice and without any special reason and this usually be short lived lasts no more than 10 minutes. Is an intense, overwhelming feeling much more than just feeling anxious or the feeling of being stressed. Apparently, almost one in 75 people around the world will experience such an attack at one point in your life.

Most patients report fear that they really are dying, going crazy or having some kind of discrimination and losing control of their emotions and behavior. These events usually begin a very strong desire to escape and flee the place where begins the anxiety panic disorder. It is common to experience chest pain or shortness of breath and a sense of impending death.

A person with phobias often will experience an attack of anxiety or panic disorder due to phobic trigger directly. This kind of attacks are brief and leave quickly once the trigger is removed from the vision or the sufferer escaped. In conditions of chronic anxiety disorder, panic attacks can lead to another and another, leading CRACKUP chronic fatigue or nervous during a short period.

As mentioned, anxiety panic disorder may have symptoms that often occur suddenly, seemingly without any apparent reason. Symptoms may be the following:-

A heart pounding, usually faster in nature
Increased sweating
Dizziness and Vertigo, nausea
Shortness of breath
Tingling and/or numbness in the face
Sensations dreamlike or distortion of perception (de-realizing)
Dissociation, the perception that you are not connected to your body and time.
Fear of losing control yourself and do something embarrassing
Fear of dying, impending doom and misery
Screaming and crying, in reaction to the above symptoms

An anxiety attack can last for several minutes, although he seems much more time and is really one of the most disturbing events that nobody can live in everyday life. Learn how different symptoms of panic disorder anxiety affect you with this first sudden jolt of fear is to understand what is happening in the body. Thus, following a slight or no motivation trigger or situation, this will lead to a release of adrenaline (epinephrine), which causes the supposed reply stay-and-fight-or-take flight, where the body prepares for major physical activities.

This results in a high heart rate, breathing worked or hyperventilation and sweating. The diaphragm, which aides breathing, is also a muscle and can become excessively tight and uncomfortable. When there are continuous, interior nervous tension, a person frequently works when very difficult to breathe. However, if a person is hyper-anxious, there are huge nasty emotion, and a person can hiperventile.

Because almost never follows strenuous activity, this hyperventilation leads to reducing CO2 levels in the lungs and then the blood, resulting in sudden dramatic changes in the alkalinity of the blood, which then will lead to many other symptoms, such as tingling or numbness, dizziness, and lightheadedness mentioned earlier.

Anxiety panic disorder can be a serious condition, but before you start to think you have this condition and go running into hotfoot to see a doctor, stop and take a deep breath!

It can be difficult to do but relax. Don't do that much of a problem immediately or it can lead to something serious and can affect your daily routine. Take things lightly. If after reviewing your thoughts and the response body for a while, you think you really have the symptoms of this condition, then you should consult your doctor. If you are diagnosed with panic disorder, anxiety and advises the good if absolutely necessary, appropriate medication can bring his life to normal again. Otherwise, say softly more and more ' be calm ' let go, relax and continues to live your life to the fullest.

Here you will find a sonorous treatment for panic disorder. Anxiety and panic attacks should not be able to govern their lives. The common misconception is that it goes away or you have to learn the "deal" with your problem. This is not the case. Anxiety panic disorder can be treated with very successfully and quickly. For more details on this treatment visit today.

