Each one of us is affected by anxiety at one stage or another in our life. Even though he is very prevalent, we need to know the difference between normal anxiety and chronic anxiety that usually takes the patient anxiety panic attacks. Some common symptoms of anxiety attack are discussed in this article.
Many of the symptoms are physical and they are caused when we are on the verge of combat or trying to flee from danger or threat. Even though we evolved from the Caveman, this instinct still tends to occur and overcome us-sometimes very inconvenient.
When we are trying to flee from danger or preparing to fight against our heartbeat rises and circulates more blood to the lungs, kidneys, liver and other important organs that require more blood. The lungs are also working hard to assist the heart and provide us with more oxygen to run and muscles cinta themselves for action. This leads to palpitations, chest tightness, sharp pains and shortness of breath that are commonly associated with anxiety attacks. Adrenaline is released in larger quantities in your body that is the reason for the nervous muscle, cold and warm feelings and stomach related abnormalities like butterflies, weak legs, constipation and vomiting. The mind also and other senses become sharper and alert.
In fact, such conduct is body only handle the fight or flight required at that time. However, these symptoms of anxiety attack still occur at times when there is nothing to fight or flee. All our instincts of not just out of our body, but within it also grow out of proportions. It is understandable when such perceptions occur when we are in the midst of a fight etc, but if this happens under normal circumstances-so what?
In this case, the mind is responsible for improperly realizing a threat and prepare the body accordingly. A threat is not there, however. The flow of oxygen supply and adrenaline for keeps growing, but there is no output to decrease it. Later, to neutralize the greatest adrenaline, causes the victim to suffer hopelessness and sometimes it causes them to feel that something bad will happen to them or their families. In most cases, patients patients ' biggest fear and terror only because they are afraid of having another panic attack, which is why panic attacks should be treated for the first time and the most effective way is to examine the root cause.
Anxiety attack Symptoms usually last for 10 minutes at a time. The easiest way to tell if a person might be suffering from a panic disorder is to see if the panic attacks occur for more than a week in a row.
Many online programs are available to help sufferers cure anxiety panic and follow simple methods that work, and they can even be practiced at home.
If you are deadly serious about learning to stop a panic attack, go and read our complete list of anxiety self-help guides that thousands of people have used with a huge success.
Visit this page http://www.reliefanxiety.info-.