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2011年1月28日 星期五

There is no actual Cure anxiety?

Anxiety is sensitive, we as ordinary people. It is just about as natural human as other emotions such as happiness, anger, or fear. If you felt your heart drop on sudden knocking at home in the middle of the night? Anxiety is simply fear another form, the fear with uncertain future looming just ahead caused some di experience stress ing face the same situation in the past. In situations that can cause of concern feelings may be ranging from social situation as the future involvement of talking to the recall of Simple name. Most of them are simply mundane in the eyes of many, but certainly not for someone who has a painful associations with it. Is the biological to a certain extent, to the animals show this behavior. But its concern attacks become chronic and an irrational, should seek consultation medical it may gravitate into something worse. anxiety medicines issues are varied and very available, but they may not be considered anxiety cure. These are mainly for the short-term treatment of concern symptoms such as:




stomach cramps


Difficulty in breathing

chest pains


treatment of chronic anxiety attacks includes recommendations for certain drugs anxiety alleviate symptoms. There are several types of prescription drugs currently available on chronic anxiety attacks, and these are the following:

anxiety anti-drug

These are commonly known as tranquilizers, the most popular and have been used for the longest time, working on the concern symptoms in s patients suffering concern or attack panic. The popularity of the use of these drugs the prescription is due mainly to the impact of slowing and calming rest CNS (central nervous system). For this reason anxiety anti-drugs are also prescribed as zwiotczaj?cych and sleeping pills. Here are some of the most prescribed anxiety anti-drug brands Valium, Ativan, Xanax and Klonopin.


These drugs, commonly provided for in of the patient s depression also proved effective for alleviating the concern symptoms. However, the impact of these types of drugs is not immediately. Normally takes four to six months for the continuation of the of the patient it before the full effect, therefore it is not recommended for someone who is already showing signs of concern seriously, which require medical immediately. Antidepressants are mainly provided for the long-term treatment of chronic and attacks anxiety continuously.

Beta blockers

Beta blockers are recommended only for advance the treatment of hypertension and heart ailments, but have been found to inhibit the concern some symptoms, such as palpitations, shaking hands, sweat, trembling voice and nausea. These drugs are now provided for the of the patient 's who suffer from chronic social and distress performance problems, such as speaking in public, in order to facilitate the nervousness.

While these drugs the prescription are broadly defined and widely used, are also widely abused, for most of them, on the basis of particularly butyrofenonu are highly added ictive when improperly used. It should be pointed out that they are not the wonder drug concern to medicine; they are only temporary relief. We must restore unity support, care and guidance We love and own spirituality to finally banish from the hotel, an irrational feelings excitement from.

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