Discover The 2,000 Year Old Zen Secret Of Staying Calm, Balanced And Positive No Matter What Is Going On In Your Life.
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Discover The 2,000 Year Old Zen Secret Of Staying Calm, Balanced And Positive No Matter What Is Going On In Your Life.
When you read the title of this article were you skeptical that there was some sort of catch to it. A catch that would prompt you to feel embarrassed or ashamed that not only was there something wrong with you, but it is really worse than you feared.
No doubt you have been admonished from early childhood with the statement: "What is wrong with you? Why did you do that? Why didn't you do that?" These questions, usually asked with a demanding tone of voice with power over body language, imply blame, fault and inadequacy. Having heard these questions from the most important authority figure in your life--your parents and subsequently the second most important authority figure--teachers, clergy, et al, you have carried these admonishments into your adult inner dialogue.
Let me reassure you 'There Is Nothing Wrong With You.' You are perfect. You are perfectly perfect in all that you do. All that you do is done for a reason. The reason may be illusive, but none-the-less there is a perfectly good reason why you do what you do--no matter how uncomfortable or unreasonable you or others may deem it to be, there are perfectly good reasons for your behavior and feelings.
The key to discovering the perfectly good reason is to go within to find the puzzle pieces and to sort out what has prompted you to do what you do--no matter how disquieting, uncomfortable or shameful.
Asking yourself the question, "What did I experience growing up and how did it impact me?--allows you to begin the process of discovering the source of your pain and to heal the wounds. When you stop believing there is something wrong with you and begin to make choices from a place of perfect freedom--amazing healing takes place.
Some issues and wounds are too illusive or deeply painful to resolve alone. In which case you might need to engage with a professional who practices mind, body, spirit healing. Engaging with a professional, who focuses on 'root cause' versus symptoms is paramount.
What is the difference between treating 'symptoms' and treating 'root cause?' Treating symptoms focuses on the symptomatic coping mechanisms used to survive the pain, i.e. drug/alcohol abuse, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, co-dependency, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraine headaches, arthritis, cancer, MS, sexual addiction, etc. Treating 'root cause' focuses on the experience you endured--the emotional hurt, physical or sexual trauma and the ensuing aftereffects. Uncovering the pain and healing the emotions associated with that pain is the key to healing.
See how to find a professional at =>
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Mind, Body, Spirit healing and Physical/Sexual Abuse Prevention and Recovery. As an inspirational leader, Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life's challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening.
Price: $11.95
The most troubling phenomena my panic and anxiety readers and clients report are the dissociative states, derealization and depersonalization (DD). I've written two Internet articles on DD; however, I wanted to share some fresh thoughts. Please understand my deep frustration in not being able to offer the solutions for which you may be looking. Unlike so many "authorities" that offer "miracle cures," I simply won't lie to you. But ongoing study and discussion of DD serves to increase awareness, which will ultimately lead to concrete relief alternatives.
DD are peculiar bits of business. I mean, they're the source of terror and desperation for those who didn't invite them to the dance, yet to a recreational drug user or one who enjoys altered perceptual states they're honored guests. Let me share a funny story. It was 1972 and I was a freshman at Michigan State. Well, one night the floating party rolled around to our dorm room and the joints began to circulate. I was a marijuana-virgin, but against my better judgment I gave it a go. In very short order I found myself in a dissociative state, running up to my older brother's fifth floor room to tell him what happened, hoping to find a measure of relief for my horror. He offered absolutely no comfort, as he tore out of the room in a mad dash for what he was sure would be some killer weed. By the way, what I had experienced wasn't foreign, as I began having bouts of derealization at age nine.
Possible Causes
Given that DD are the third most common psychiatric presentation, trumped only by anxiety and depression, a look-see into its generation is always worthwhile and interesting. Now, before we get started I want to point out that DD can present whenever there's a blockage of the pathway connecting perception and emotion. And the most common road blocks are a manifestation of a genetic predisposition, brain injury caused be internal or external factors, and emotional trauma and disorders. I'm going to list some common triggers of DD, but before I do you have to promise you won't obsess over the possibility of being a sufferer of anything on my list (unless, of course, you are). Okay, let's start with childhood emotional trauma, acute and chronic stress, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis (MS), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), stroke, brain tumors, and traumatic brain injury (TBI). And then there's the legal and illegal substances merry-go-round, most commonly the use and abuse of marijuana, alcohol, caffeine, as well as recreational and prescription drugs. I'll also add to the list the prolonged use of benzodiazepines (Xanax, Ativan, Valium, Klonopin, etc.). Heck, even the use of minocycline, a tetracycline antibiotic often used for the treatment of acne and lyme disease, can lead to DD. And go figure, in an almost cruel bit of turnabout, DD are classic withdrawal symptoms. Seems they present in the midst of a substance issue and on the way out the door.
Recent research has brought to light the potential involvement of cortisol in the generation of DD. Cortisol, the "stress hormone," is produced in the adrenal glands. It's best known for ramping-up our physical response to phenomena such as life stressors, trauma, excessive exercise, anxiety, and depression by passing word to the neurotransmitter and hormone norepinephrine (noradrenaline) to flip the switch on our sympathetic nervous system, our fight/flight headquarters. And, boom, off to the races we go. Obviously, situational secretion of cortisol is natural and necessary; however, when it's secreted in the presence of chronic stress all sorts of icky physical consequences may occur, as well as generalized anxiety and panic. And DD. The bottom-line is the researchers used a measurement instrument known as the "Dissociative Experiences Scale." And the subjects that tested high on the DD subscale had a much higher cortisol response to stimuli. So if the connection between stress, anxiety, and DD weren't already obvious to you, the research bangs the point home.
Anyone who's suffered from DD knows they can present in so many ways. Well, research is discovering that these variations can be traced to alterations in brain functioning. For example, the sensation of emotional detachment has been linked to lower levels of neural (having to do with neurons) response in the areas of the brain responsible for emotional feeling. And an increase in neural response was noted in the areas of the brain responsible for emotional regulation. For your reference and research purposes, key brain anatomy involved in emotion include the amygdala, anterior cingulate cortex, orbital prefrontal cortex, and the orbitofrontal cortex. What's interesting here is the connection between emotion (amygdala) and thought (anterior cingulate, orbital prefrontal, and orbitofrontal cortices), this having much to do with the pathway between perception and emotion I mentioned earlier. As long as we're discussing neurobiology, I'll also point out that research is showing that issues with glucose metabolism causes abnormal functioning of the visual, auditory, and somatosensory cortices. Well, given the fact that these areas process incoming stimuli, and our response, is it surprising that altered functioning may lead to DD?
Treatment Alternatives
Naturally, treatment selection for DD is driven by cause. I mean, if DD are presenting as a result of a stroke, the obvious treatment focus is going to be upon the aftermath of the brain accident. However, if the cause of DD is, say, childhood emotional trauma, psychotherapy is indicated. By the way, the insight-oriented and cognitive behavioral therapies, as well as hypnosis, have been successful in the management of DD. And there are any number of strategies and techniques, such as mindfulness, that you can implement on your own.
Now, on the medical side of the fence, scientists at one time found hope in naloxone (Narcan) for the treatment of depersonalization. Naloxone, an opioid receptor blocker, is typically used to treat opioid (drug category that includes heroin, morphine, oxycodone, etc.) overdoses, specifically addressing central nervous system and breathing complications. Well, naloxone very positively impacted depersonalization in the lab, though a cousin medication, naltrexone (Revia), didn't produce the same outcomes. It seems the success of naloxone involved the role of what's known as an endogenous opioid system in the generation of depersonalization. Giving this subject due consideration would take pages; so for now just know that it all has to do with the existence of opioid compounds (endorphins are one of these) throughout our central and peripheral nervous systems, which play a big role in regulating our responses to stress, including the management of cortisol. Also managed is the blunting of the distressing and emotional component of pain. Complicated stuff. Well, the naloxone mission was ultimately abandoned for a number of reasons, including the fact that it can only be administered intravenously.
Though not as yet FDA approved for the treatment of DD, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) has shown some promise for relief. TMS, first developed in 1985, is a, well, gentle massage therapy for the brain. And it's given by short magnetic pulses, which come from an electromagnet placed on the scalp. The massage is actually limited to the cerebral cortex, which is the approximately one-tenth of an inch outer surface of the brain. Cool thing is the impact of TMS treatment has some staying power after its administration. TMS has been getting much more attention since the mid-1990's. Perhaps more to come.
Okay, let's wrap it up by talking meds. No doubt they've helped millions of DD sufferers, but I'll guarantee you that physicians and scientists don't really know the "hows and whys." At any rate, some of the meds that have provided assistance are the benzodiazepines lorazepam (Ativan), clorazepate (Tranxene), and alprazolam (Xanax). Then there are the tricyclic antidepressants amitriptyline (Elavil), doxepin (Sinequan), and desipramine (Norpramin). Of course, the SSRI's fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), and paroxetine (Paxil) made the cut. But, then again, they always do. The anticonvulsant/mood stabilizer, lamotrigine (Lamictal), used to get a lot of press with regard to DD relief; however, its stature has fallen a bit. Finally, there are the atypical antipsychotics such as aripiprazole (Abilify), quetiapine (Seroquel), and risperidone (Risperdal). Give the use of meds in combating DD a lot of thought, and ask very specific questions of your psychiatrist should you choose to pursue them.
So there you have it, some random thoughts regarding DD. As I implied from the get-go, I feel so badly that I can't bring you a cure; however, I sincerely believe the more we examine and discuss DD, the more likely concrete relief solutions will come to the fore.
I've worked hard in helping others with creative and effective relief strategies for depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. And it's all based in my own emotional and mental health history and recovery; as well as my clinical training and experience in counseling. I'm inviting you to visit my blog at It's a haven of sharing, learning, and relief for those enduring depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder. Come on, stop on by and participate, won't you?
The idea of energy balance has its basis in medical systems that have been utilized in the Far East for thousands of years. All of these systems assume that there is a subtle nonphysical energy that permeates and circulates throughout the body.
Traditional Chinese medicine calls this "chi". The terms that best describe this energy in English would be "life force" or "vital energy". The difference in energy that you feel when you have the flu versus when you are healthy is an example of fluctuations in this type of energy.
In Chinese medicine, subtle energy is understood to be distributed throughout the body along channels called "meridians". One of the most important functions of all of the energy-balance approaches is to harmonize and optimize the "flow" of subtle energy by releasing blocks to that flow. Blocked energy leads to tension, anxiety, stress, and ultimately illness. In fact, Chinese medicine traces all disease back to various types and degrees of blockage in the flow of vital energy.
Regular practice of energy balance disciplines such as yoga or t´ai chi helps to release blocks to the natural flow of vitality. So does receiving treatments from healing arts that free up obstructions to subtle energy. This is particularly true for acupuncture, but also applies to various forms of massage and chiropractic treatment.
The invisible "energy body", sometimes called "subtle body", that is the focus of Eastern medicine is intimately related to the physical body. It´s thought to provide an energetic matrix or "template" for the physical body.
On a strictly physical level, energy balance practices help to relieve muscle tension, promote increased oxygenation of tissues and the brain, improve arterial circulation, promote elimination by the kidneys and colon, and stimulate increased production of hormones and neurotransmitters.
However, the fundamental purpose of the energy balance approaches is to promote mind-body integration a harmonious interdependence and balance among the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical aspects of your total being.
"Wholeness" is equated with wellness. To the extent you function in an integrated, whole manner, you can experience the fullness of your being and genuine health. To the extent that you are out of touch with the wholeness of your being, you remain out of harmony with yourself and are subject to stress and disorder, including anxiety.
T'ai chi is an ancient form of movement and exercise intended to unite body and mind. It is said to have originated when a thirteenth-century Taoist monk in China watched a serpent and a crane in battle. As the crane attacked the snake, the snake would smoothly move its position, never allowing the crane to touch it. From this scene the monk developed thirteen moves which have been augmented down through the centuries. Presently, t´ai chi is practiced by millions of people in China and is popular throughout the rest of the world.
T´ai chi can best be described as a form of moving meditation. It consists of a series of movements that proceed slowly and gracefully, flowing one into another. These movements strengthen and ground the body while promoting the flow of "chi" or life force. Students say that it teaches qualities of fluidity and grace; qualities that can extend to the way you live your entire life.
Because the movements are done slowly, it also teaches you how to slow down, both in your body and your mind. Like meditation, it helps you to achieve serenity, clarity, and concentration. Unlike meditation, however, it instills an ability to carry mental poise and concentration into movement.
Like yoga, t´ai chi helps you to work through blocks to the flow of your life energy, along with promoting physical benefits such as opening the joints, especially the knees, strengthening the spine and lower back, and massaging the internal organs. Because it´s practiced with your entire body and with full presence of mind, t´ai chi is a very practical and effective way to foster mind-body integration.
You can find t´ai chi classes offered at some health clubs as well as some martial arts schools, though t´ai chi is generally not used as a form of self-defense. If classes are not available in your area, there are several excellent videos that teach the basic movements. Because it promotes the flow of "chi," the exercise is sometimes prescribed as an adjunct to acupuncture treatments.
Acupuncture originated as a healing modality in China about three thousand years ago. Currently it´s practiced in most advanced countries throughout the world. As with t´ai chi, it´s based on the assumption that health is determined by the free and proper flow of chi, the vital or subtle energy that pervades all living things. Chi flows along channels in the body called meridians, each of which is linked to a specific organ.
When the flow of energy is neither restricted nor excessive, the individual enjoys good health. If the energy flow is unbalanced in either direction, both physical and mental symptoms of distress or disease may result. For example, fear is understood to be due to blocked or excessive energy flow along the kidney meridian. Acupuncture treatments that aim to balance the kidney meridian, and other supporting meridians can help to relieve fear fullness.
In an acupuncture treatment, the acupuncturist inserts thin needles at specific points in the body. Most people feel only a slight prick or no pain at all from the procedure. Typically the needles are left in place for twenty to thirty minutes, after which it´s common to feel very relaxed and rejuvenated. Repeated treatments, twice a week for a few weeks, are often needed to correct an ailment such as migraine headaches, allergies or back pain.
If you wish to utilize acupuncture to help anxiety, regular treatments on a weekly or biweekly basis for several months are advised. Often the acupuncturist will provide herbs in the form of teas or capsules to use at home to enhance the effects of the treatments.
For people who are uncomfortable with the use of needles acupressure may be a viable alternative. Acupressure, and its cousin Shiatsu, rely on the same principles as acupuncture. However, energy flow and balance along the meridians is promoted by manual pressure rather than needles. Acupressure is a simple and inexpensive form of energy balance practiced by many massage therapists. In fact, you can utilize acupressure on your own.
Most people think of chiropractic as a healing art that aims to relieve back pain induced by stress or injury. At a more basic level, though, chiropractic strives to promote health by optimizing the flow of nerve impulses up and down the spine and to other parts of the body. Because of the various stresses to which the spine is subject, individual vertebrae can move out of alignment.
These misaligned vertebrae block the flow of nerve impulses between the brain and body as well as between the spinal cord and various bodily organs. When nerve transmission to a specific organ is reduced or limited the organ is likely to dysfunction and might produce symptoms ranging from mild discomfort to illness. Misalignments of the spine may be caused by injury, but most frequently they are caused by stress.
Muscles tightened under chronic stress tend to pull the vertebrae out of alignment. Even if the muscle tension is relieved through exercise or massage, the spinal vertebrae may not easily resume their normal configuration. Thus a chiropractor seeks to identify and correct vertebral misalignments in order to promote optimal nervous system function and thereby functional integrity of the body as a whole.
Chiropractic can be a helpful strategy for relieving chronic tension, whether or not accompanied by pain. An occasional visit to a chiropractor is likely to improve your overall experience of well-being. In locating a qualified chiropractor in your area, try to get a referral from a friend or relative. If you prefer not to receive direct manipulations to the spine, there are some chiropractors who practice a nonmanipulative form of adjustment sometimes referred to as "gentle chiropractic".
Therapeutic massage is a healing art designed to promote deep relaxation through skillful manipulation of muscles and soft body tissues. Professional massage therapists usually obtain 500-1,000 hours of formal training in anatomy, physiology, and various forms of bodywork including Swedish massage, deep tissue work, reflexology, acupressure, and Shiatsu.
Receiving a one-hour massage every week, or even twice per month, can promote deep relaxation by relieving chronic muscle tension that you may have been holding in your body for a long time. Massage can enhance and deepen the benefits you obtain from practicing progressive muscle relaxation. PMR tends to release acute superficial tension in the outer muscles of your arms, legs, neck, and torso.
Massage, particularly "deep tissue" massage, can undo chronic long-standing tension held in the deeper muscles of the body. In addition to releasing muscle tension, massage can help cleanse your body of toxic accumulations by promoting lymphatic circulation and mobilizing a sluggish colon.
On a more psychological level, receiving a massage is a wonderful way to nurture yourself if you feel stressed. Massage can also provide a corrective emotional experience for survivors of abuse. If you grew up in a dysfunctional family where you either weren´t touched or were touched inappropriately, massage can help you work through any painful feelings or resistance around being touched, increasing your ease with what is an innate need for all human beings.
There are several types of massage to choose from. Swedish massage, developed by Peter Ling in the 1800s, uses kneading, stroking, and shaking to induce the body to relax. This is the most common type of massage practiced. Deep tissue massage involves greater pressure on deeper muscles than Swedish massage and generally focuses on specific problem areas.
Neuromuscular massage is a form of deep tissue massage that works with specific "trigger points" to release chronically tight muscles. Acupressure, while certainly relaxing, intentionally seeks to promote enhanced energy balance. Through firm pressure applied to specific points for three to ten seconds each, acupressure strives to release blocks to the flow of subtle energy through the acupuncture meridians.
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Overcoming anxiety attacks is usually through drugs. But I beat my anxiety attacks naturally. Here, you'll discover the symptoms of anxiety attacks, the usual drug-based treatments and their side effects, and, information on how I eliminated my anxiety and anxiety attacks naturally.
So if you are struggling with any of the following types of anxiety disorders then don't worry, help is at hand:
Phobias - fear that's not in proportion to any real danger.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) - recurring obsessions and/or compulsions
Panic disorder - living 'in fear of fear'.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - have or witness a traumatic event
Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) - feel worried most of the time about things that might go wrong.
But before we look at ways of overcoming anxiety attacks, let's look at the symptoms. When you're suffering an attack, you may experience a range of physical symptoms. These occur because of the body's 'fight or flight' response which is caused by the release of the stress hormone adrenaline. These symptoms can include...
tightness or pain in your chest
shortness of breath
difficulty swallowing
You can also get psychological symptoms with anxiety, which can include...
sleeping difficulties
feeling worried or uneasy all the time
feeling tired
being irritable or quick to get angry
being unable to concentrate
If the above is familiar, then don't worry as there is help available, which is powerful, but also practical. Don't let finding ways of overcoming anxiety attacks worry you any more: I beat my anxiety attacks naturally. This natural solution worked for me and now I feel incredible. You'll get the information at the bottom, but first, here's my anxiety story...
My anxiety attacks were related to a social phobia; crowded public places were a hell-hole for me. My chronic anxiety invaded my life and kept me from going out with friends and having fun. Friends and family would do my shopping and I never went to the cinema, just waited for the DVD.
I was prescribed drug-based treatments. But I found my anxiety disorder drug treatment had basically 'duped' my brain into a better state. I was prescribed a serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), basically an anti-depressant. It made me feel unmotivated and constantly tired. I was going about in a daze.
If you have already sought medical advice, then the chances are that you have been prescribed some form of drug treatment programme? But before this you would have been asked countless invasive questions. Typical drug treatments include...
Tranquillisers - Such as Benzodiazepine. Short-term stress-related anxieties. Risk of addiction if taken for long periods.
Buspirone - Can relieve anxiety over time but has side effects. Different from Benzodiazepines.
Antidepressants - Such as Seroxat, Sereupin. Three month course, but may require longer.
Beta-blockers - Such as Inderal or Lopressor only relieves physical symptoms of anxiety such as shaking. Doesn't affect psychological symptoms. Not suitable if asthmatic or diabetic.
The above can help to a degree, but the thought of taking these for lengthy periods scared me stiff. I felt like I was slipping back to where I started; I felt dependent on them. Some of the drug treatments listed can be addictive and also have otherside effects, such as Buspirone which causes nausea, headache and nervousness. So I took another, more natural route to overcoming anxiety attacks...
If you don't want to go down the same costly 'drug' route with their negative side effects, then go now to where you'll get the facts on a completely natural remedy for overcoming anxiety attacks successfully used by thousands of ex-sufferers worldwide. Plus, a free video of an anxiety attack as it happens.
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General Anxiety Disorder (GAD) affects 4 to 5 million people in the United States alone and is one of the most debilitating forms of anxiety. It has been found that women have a higher incidence of GAD than men.
The symptoms vary from one person to another, however there are several symptoms that are common to most people who suffer from GAD.
Chronic worrying
Worry is a natural feeling that everyone deals with occasionally, but people who suffer from GAD worry incessantly, often without a specific event or situation to trigger it. This worry can ultimately cause them to withdraw from social situations and make it difficult to perform their day-to-day activities.
People suffering from GAD often realize they are worrying unnecessarily, but they are unable to overcome it and move on.
Physical Symptoms
Physical symptoms of GAD include things such as headaches, lightheadedness, nausea and stomach pain, elevated heartbeat, shortness of breath and a lack of concentration.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder can also lead to sleeping problems such as insomnia as well as depression.
Emotional Symptoms
People suffering from GAD often exhibit symptoms such as irritability, unexpected mood swings and constant feelings of tension and stress.
A person who is dealing with GAD can have expected panic attacks. Because they worry about when the next one will come, it merely serves to contribute to their feelings of anxiety. This creates a vicious cycle which can be extremely difficult to overcome.
Because the problem can feed on itself, and continue to get more serious, medical attention should be sought as soon as possible. The sooner the problem can be diagnosed and treated, the less severe the side-effects may be.
Shane Baxter writes about various anxiety and stress disorders for the Anxiety Action website. Visit for more help information and advice.
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Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension, fear, or worry. Most everyone experiences temporary anxiety, a feeling of nervousness or fear, as a normal reaction to a stressful situation at some point in life. While anxiety is a natural response to some situations, it can develop into a debilitating disorder in some people. It is estimated that about 13% of the United States population has anxiety. Most peope suffering from anxiety do not consult a doctor as they believe only "mentally sick" people need to visit a psychiatrist.
The important thing is to understand that anxiety can be treated and that living with constant anxiety is not necessary. Untreated anxiety disorders can push people into avoiding situations that trigger or worsen their symptoms. People with anxiety disorders are likely to suffer from depression, and they also may abuse alcohol and other drugs in an effort to gain relief from their symptoms. Job performance, school work, and personal relationships can also suffer.
Types of anxiety disorders
There are several different anxiety disorders:
Generalized Anxiety Disorder - an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic, exaggerated worry and tension that is unfounded or much more severe than the normal anxiety most people experience. Worrying is difficult to control. Symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder include muscle tension, trembling, shortness of breath, fast heartbeat, dry mouth, dizziness, nausea, irritability, loss of sleep and not being able to concentrate.
Panic Attacks and Panic Disorder - an anxiety disorder characterized by unexpected and repeated panic attacks along with intense anxiety between attacks and possible avoidance of situations where attacks may occur. Panic attacks last about 5 to 30 minutes. Panic attacks can lead to phobias if they aren't treated.
Phobias. A phobia is an extreme, unreasonable fear in response to something specific. Examples include fear of crowds, bridges, snakes, spiders, heights, open places or social embarrassment. A phobia is only considered a problem when it keeps you from living a normal life.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - an anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) or rituals (compulsions), which feel uncontrollable to the sufferer.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - a debilitating anxiety disorder that may develop following a terrifying event. It is characterized by persistent frightening thoughts and memories of the ordeal.
Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia - an anxiety disorder characterized by a persistent, intense, and chronic fear of being watched and judged by others and of being embarrassed or humiliated by one's actions.
Symptoms of anxiety disorders
a general sense of apprehension and dread
poor memory
lack of concentration
extreme exhaustion
fearfulness or terror
isolation from others
strong desire to escape
feeling incredibly self-conscious and insecure
feeling of being overwhelmed
fear that you are losing your mind
fear of going crazy, of dying
fear of losing control
frequently feel like crying for no reason
feeling angry and lack of patience
fear of madness, impending death
feelings of being outside yourself, being cut off from reality
feeling worried all the time, tired, irritable
Self-help methods
A self-help treatment is one that can be used by the public without necessarily consulting a health professional.
Physical Exercise. Because anxiety is the body's response for fight or flight - physical exercise is a very good way of burning the adrenaline off. It improves our physical well-being and helps to restore balance.
Eat a healthy, balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables.
Avoid alcohol and drug abuse. It may seem that alcohol or drugs relax you. But in the long run they make anxiety worse and cause more problems.
Avoid caffeine. Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, soft drinks and chocolate. Caffeine may increase your sense of anxiety because it stimulates your nervous system.
Spend as much time as possible with people who make you feel good.
Share your thoughts and fears with friends, family or a therapist. A journal might be a helpful way to record things that cause make you anxious, stressed or hurt.
Often, helping someone else can take your mind off your worries and give you perspective. Volunteering on a regular basis or helping someone in need from your neighborhood, church or community can give you a break from yourself and your worries.
Improve you intimate love relationships. If your anxiety stems from early life issues that interfere with your ability to build safe, trusting, intimate love relationships, you may benefit from learning ways to improve love relationships.
Plan your day - list the chores or activities that need to be done today, then the ones that can wait until tomorrow. List them in order of priority, and make sure you at least try to do those at the top of the list.
Relax. Take time out for play, recreation and relaxation and try to spend time doing hobbies or activities you really enjoy.
Identify your stress or anxiety triggers. Identify the situations or thoughts that cause anxiety. It is only by identifying them that you will learn to control the anxiety. Consider the following: When do I feel anxious? Who am I with? How do other people cope in this situation? Is there anything I can do differently? Am I allowing myself enough time? Is there anyone I can talk to or telephone?
Try to limit the known stressors in your life.
Be realistic - don't set your goals too high. Lower your expectations.
Become your own expert. Learning more about your anxiety will help you get the best treatment and enable you to conquer your fears. Read books, visit websites, go to lectures and workshops, and talk to your doctor and therapist.
Laugh as much as possible and seek out things and people that you find funny (like exercise, laughter causes the release of healthy endorphins in the body). Try to find humor or absurdity in stressful situations.
DonТt generalize. Notice when you use expressions that generalize ("He always lets me down." "She is never nice to me." "Everyone knows I'm a loser." "No one will help me."). Such statements are rarely true, but when you use them, you are more likely to react to the situation as if they are, which will increase your anxiety.
Deal with situations/problems before they get out of control.
Positive Thinking. Optimism can counteract the negative impact stress, tension and anxiety has on your immune system and well-being. Often it is how you perceive things that determine if you get overwhelmed, both mentally and physically. Having a positive attitude, finding the good in what life throws your way and looking at the bright side of things enhances your ability to effectively manage stress.
Sleep. Getting enough sound sleep has a profound impact on your stress levels, immune function and disease resistance. A chronic lack of sleep can leave you feeling sluggish, irritable, forgetful, accident-prone, and have difficulty concentrating or coping with life's daily aggravations. Strive to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
Medications for anxiety
According to the National Institute for Mental Health, the types of medications often prescribed for anxiety disorders include:
Antidepressants: SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), SNRIs (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors), Tricyclic antidepressants.
SSRIs are helpful in a variety of anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, OCD, and social phobia.
The FDA has granted specific indications to the following disorders and agents: generalized anxiety disorder (venlafaxine, buspirone, escitalopram, paroxetine), social phobia (paroxetine, sertraline, venlafaxine), OCD (fluoxetine, sertraline, paroxetine, fluvoxamine), and PTSD (sertraline, paroxetine).
Anti-Anxiety Medications: Benzodiazepines, Azipirones.
Benzodiazepines are especially useful in the management of acute situational anxiety disorder and adjustment disorder where the duration of pharmacotherapy is anticipated to be 6 weeks or less and for the rapid control of panic attacks. If long-term use of benzodiazepines seems necessary, obtaining a confirmatory opinion from a second physician may be helpful because chronic benzodiazepine use may be associated with tolerance, withdrawal, and treatment-emergent anxiety.
Benzodiazepines include clonazepam, which is used for social phobia and GAD; alprazolam, which is helpful for panic disorder and GAD; and lorazepam, which is also useful for panic disorder.
Buspirone is a newer anti-anxiety medication that is used to treat GAD. Unlike the benzodiazepines, buspirone must be taken consistently for at least two weeks to achieve an anti-anxiety effect.
Yury Bayarski is the author of If you would like to learn more about anti anxiety medications, please visit the author's website.
Phobias are when someone has an irrational fear of a specific situation, object or activity.
Examples are; fear of driving, fear of snakes, fear of public speaking, performance anxiety and stage fright. Sufferers recognize that their fear is out of proportion to any actual danger but are unable to control it or even explain it.
Phobias are the most common form of anxiety disorder being present in between 9% and 18% of the population. Taken together phobias are the most common form of mental illness in women and the second most common in men over 25. Phobias in children are also quite common, severe fears are present in about 10-15% of children and specific phobias are found in about 5% of children.
Types of Phobias
There are three types of phobias:
1. Agorophobia which is the fear of being alone or being in an open space.
2. Social phobia, typified by the fear of embarrassing oneself in public.
3. Specific phobia which is the fear of a single specific object such as fear of dogs or fear of heights.
Causes and Incidence of Phobias
The precise cause of most phobias is unknown, but it generally accepted that phobias arise from a combination of external and internal factors.
Many specific phobias can be traced back to a specific triggering event, such as a traumatic experience at an early age.
Social phobias typically begin in late childhood more complex causes that are not entirely known at this time. Most phobic patients have no family history of psychiatric disorders, although it is likely that heredity, genetics, and brain chemistry have some bearing on the development of phobias and together with life experiences these factors are thought to play a major role in the development of anxiety disorders, phobias and panic attacks.
Signs and Symptoms of Phobias
Phobia sufferers show all the signs of severe anxiety when confronted with the feared object or situation. Complaints of: dizziness, feeling ill, difficulty in breathing, dissociation from reality, a pounding heart and chest pains are common and are often accompanied by an unreasoning panic.
A development of avoiding the objects of phobias is that this kind of behaviour can lead to loss of self esteem which can in turn often reinforce the fear related to the phobia. Often this can further develop into depression.
Treatment of phobias
Specific phobias in children often resolve themselves as the child matures but Agorophobia and social phobias are usually chronic and have in the past been difficult to treat.
New techniques to help sufferers break the fear producing links are appearing: including the use of virtual reality or imagery exercises, cognitive behavior therapy, hypnotherapy coupled with Neuro-linguistic programming and "the one move technique".
Drug treatment includes; anxiolytics, tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors and serotonin reuptake inhibitors for Agoraphobia or social phobia. Gabapentin has been used for social phobia and beta blockers may help with performance anxiety.
Dick Aronson has been involved in the healthcare industry for 35 years. He has written numerous articles on the subject and runs a number of informative websites,viz:
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Our emotions are a means of communication to helps us interact and communicate with ourselves and the rest of the world. However, feeling overwhelmed and taken over by life, for the most part, is certainly a signal to stop and check yourself. It was for me, at least. In certain cases, when not handled early, these uncontrolled negative feelings turn into an outburst , an attack of chronic fear, worry, confusion and apprehension.
With a demanding and fast-paced modern life that leaves most feeling pressed for some quality personal time, it is no wonder that you can fall victim to feeling bouts of anxiety or being nerve-wrecked.
Signs of Anxiety Attack
Since the daily experience of tension and stress is bad enough to leave us feeling exhausted by the end of the day, imagine what it feels like to go through an attack of feeling overwhelmed by your emotions of chronic anxiety, obsessive worrying, confusion.
Well, your heart pounds in your ears. The other symptoms are shortness of breath and as your breathing get constricted you feel suffocated as you feel a tightening in your chest. For some, these turn into chest pains and even pain in the stomach.The stress and rage in the sufferer causes him or her to tremble and shake as they break into sweat. All this while your emotions have completely swamped you. Typically, your anxiousness may leave you feeling restless, irritable, frustrated, deprived of sleep and even hopeless.
However, such persistent outburst of anxiety, if not managed or addressed, may lead you to the brink of an emotional illness that may even go beyond an anxiety attack.
Possible Causes of Anxiety
To prevent any anxiety attack or nip persistent frayed nerves in the bud, it may be good to get to the root of this emotion by finding out the cause.
Your source of anxiety could be a :
A specific unhealthy emotional or thinking pattern that triggers the onset of chronic fear and anxiety
A stressful situation , person , lifestyle, or environment that places unrealistic demands on your time, workload, relationships, finances, emotions, mind and body. It creates the conditions that results in you not being able to cope with life at this stage.
Anxiety attacks could be caused by side effects of long-term medication or illnesses such as thyroid problems. It is widely known that females are twice as likely to suffer from anxiety attacks than males although recent statistics show equal number of males and females seek treatment.
In rare cases, if its not due to stress, it could be the result of a traumatic past memory. The experience, of which you may be unaware, may have etched memories that you have yet to address.
How To Release Stress And Chronic Emotions
While having consulted your physician, an additional health tip for you is regular practice of yoga. An overall yoga routine helps you attain deep calmness as you eliminate your emotional, mental and physical body of the emotional irregularities, imbalances and fluctuations.
My practise of yoga over the last 10 years has gradually helped me eliminate my nervousness, states of panic, compulsive worrying, and distrust of the people which a decade ago was uncontrollable for me. Your habitual experience of worry and stress creates tension and constriction in your body and mind. In the long term, it may result in high blood pressure and many other stress-related conditions.
So before you hit the bed today, I want you to experience the power of relaxation. Find a quiet spot wherever you are where you won't have any distractions. Sit on a chair or floor, whatever works for you, then simply bring attention your gentle inhaling breath of 5 seconds and an exhalation of 5 seconds. Repeat this 10 times, very relaxed, no rushing.
And now I like to invite you to visit [] to get your FREE 12-part E-course that lays out powerful, proven stress relieving secrets and strategies that will transform your life by empowering your emotions and thoughts.
Shingka Kaur, a former journalist, is practitioner of Yoga of 10 years. Based on her own personal experiences and insights from Yoga and from her journey to inner peace, she provides effective and personally tested strategies to address your stress, anxiety and negative emotions.
The stress connection to low back pain is one of the more common scenarios seen with patients who are suffering from this sometimes debilitating condition. Back pain is a 60 BILLION dollar problem in the U.S. and stress is one of the biggest factors involved. Stress is defined here as anything that is having a negative affect on our nervous systems and consequently influencing our musculoskeletal systems. Stress can be dietary, physical, emotional, occupational, etc. It all counts and it is all accumulative regarding the potential to impact our physiology in a manner that is far from positive.
The U.S. is one of the most stressful countries to live in. Americans work longer hours and take less time off than the rest of the industrialized world. Dealing with ever increasing required government demands, taxes, etc. to keep the treadmill running is a fact of life here. Combine that with the Standard American Diet (SAD) and it is a recipe that guarantees physical ailments like low back pain and chronic degenerative disease. Americans consume more junk food (756 doughnuts per person per year), more refined sugar, and use more prescription drugs than any other people in the world. The different sources of stress also feed off each other. For example, many who are emotionally stressed, may find comfort in high sugar snacks or alcohol. Because of their stress they can't sleep or have panic attacks and wind up taking prescription drugs for these problems. Their short term solutions may exacerbate the stress response in the body.
What happens physically when we are under stress? The body secretes stress hormone (cortisol) that has a flight or fight function. This is very good if you are running away from a tiger, but very bad if this response is going on all the time. Excess cortisol depletes your immune system, which is why people get sick when they are continually stressed. Cortisol also leaches calcium from your bones causing osteoporosis, puts a toxic load on your liver and kidneys, contributes to diabetes, and makes you fat. It also affects the brain, lowering intelligence and causing memory loss. There's more, but you get the picture. This is not a good thing.
What does this have to do with your back? Under stress, it is the adrenal glands that must respond. If they are over stimulated they become exhausted. When the adrenals fatigue, there are direct consequences to the musculoskeletal system. For starters, the nerves supplying the adrenals are affected. Nerves are two ways streets. They can not only be affected at the spinal level of origin, but also peripherally, at their destination, back to the spine. One of the common lumbar areas affected is at the third lumbar vertebra. Muscles are also affected. All muscles innervated by the irritated nerve can contract. Trigger points can develop. There are muscle-organ correlations. The work of Dr. Goodheart in the 1960's has withstood the test of time. There are predictable muscle imbalances with organ stress. In the case of the adrenal glands, one of the primary muscles involved is the sartorius. It is a major pelvic as well as medial knee stabilizer. This is why so many people, including athletes, injure their knees when under stress. There was a pre-existing imbalance from the adrenals causing an improper or inadequate response on the part of the sartorius muscle. The demand on the muscle exceeded its threshold to handle it resulting in an injury. Another affect from exhausted adrenals is ligament weakness. Ligaments hold joints together. Put a demand on a joint and the body responds by getting stronger to resist that demand. When one has an adrenal syndrome issue, there is an opposite affect. There will be weakening of the joint when challenged. This is another major reason why people injure themselves under stress.
The direct connection to the low back from stress is that the sartorius imbalance in the front of the thigh has an impact on the sacroiliac (SI) joint integrity on the posterior side of the pelvis. When the SI is affected by either the sartorius or from weak ligaments, there can be pain directly at the joint, or the lower lumbar vertebrae may be the source of discomfort since their position may be altered. Further, the gluteus maximus muscle on the involved SI side will be weakened. Muscles that attach to or cross an involved joint will be affected as well. The gluteus maximus muscle is a strong, major lifting and anti-gravity muscle. People with weakness will experience difficulty getting up from a seated position. They will usually put their hands on their knees and push themselves up. In grocery stores, these people are often leaning over their shopping carts to support themselves.
Treatment should be muti-faceted. Balancing the adrenals is a must. This needs to be done specifically based on individual needs, but some of the common natural supports are choline, licorice, ashwaganda, rhodiola, and Siberian and American ginseng. Structural work, focusing on involved nerve roots and muscle balancing techniques work well to eliminate or reduce pain. I also utilize a cold laser to "reset" the adrenals (techniques from Dr. George Gonzalez, Quantum Neurologist). Of course, emotional stress must be dealt with to change one's response to the triggers. A counselor, aromatherapy, journalling, etc. may be useful. Exercises should focus on the extensor muscle groups and forward flexion movements should be limited. Over exertion should be avoided. Tai-Chi and Chi-Gong are excellent. A low sugar and carbohydrate diet is essential. Higher protein and vegetable consumption is recommended. Organic sodium should be increased, as sodium is dumped in the urine when one is stressed. Zucchini, squash, green beans, and celery fit this need. Proteolytic enzymes help pain as do anti-inflammatories like turmeric, ginger, and yucca.
Dr. Dennis K. Crawford
"Dedicated to Vibrant living"
Dr. Dennis K. Crawford holds B.S., D.C. and Ph.D. degrees including Nutrition. He is certified in Botanical Medicine from The University of Colorado School of Pharmacy, and Enzyme Therapeutics from The Loomis Institute. He sees patients from around the country seeking natural solutions to their health issues and is available for phone consultations.
You hurt all over and are constantly exhausted; you have consulted your physician but have been unable to locate the cause of your discomfort. Lab results all have returned negative. Many times, you have been told that it is "all in your head". This is all too often the reality of day-to-day experiences of those that suffer with fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue.
Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue affect the lifestyle of many people worldwide; many have given up hope of regaining their energy and zest for life due to the professed incurable nature of their disorder. Fortunately, contrary to popular belief, there is a great amount that can be done to improve and eliminate fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue.
The body is versatile and is designed to adapt to the environment and conditions. For example, when walking into a dark room, the pupils of the eyes immediately dilate. This process of adaptation allows one to see in the dark by allowing more light to enter into the eyes. When undergoing excessive amounts of stress, the body adapts in a similar fashion. Specific hormones, epinephrine and norepinephrine, are produced to enable the body to respond to stress. After the stress has passed, the body is designed to rest and return to a normal state of balance.
Epinephrine and norepinephrine, also know as adrenalin, produce what is called a "fight or flight" response for the body. These powerful hormones are quickly released when one encounters any amount or magnitude of stress. This appropriate response allows the individual to properly encounter the stress or flee from it.
Body Response - 911
In response to epinephrine and norepinephrine, the body undergoes many rapid changes. The need for oxygen increases, muscles receive more glucose, blood pressure increases, eyes dilate, heart rate increases, digestion decreases, and blood is shunted to the legs. All of these responses encourage alertness and physical strength for encountering or fleeing a stress. If the stressful situation continues, the body will release an additional hormone called cortisol which will increase blood sugar by breaking down fat and protein. This mechanism is designed to provide quick energy for the body in the form of sugar.
If the body is unable to return to a state of "resting and digesting" and experiences continual levels of stress, the result of "fight or flight" will have a negative and destructive effect upon the body. Cortisol will begin to literally "eat the body alive". The following symptoms may arise as a result: fatigue, headache, indigestion, depression, insomnia, weight gain, muscle soreness, increase of pain, restlessness, anxiety, high blood sugar, constipation, diarrhea, decrease immunity, loss of concentration, memory problems, decrease sex drive, joint pain, muscle wasting, sore throat, allergies, panic attacks, heart palpitations, and fainting. Interestingly enough, these symptoms directly correlate with most symptoms of depression, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue!
How can one decrease their stress levels and turn off the uninhibited "fight or flight" response? Simply by addressing the needs of the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are hormone producing machines and are responsible for releasing epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, aldosterone, and secondary sex hormones. When the adrenal glands are worked overtime, they become worn out and decline in productivity. They begin to break down proteins and other vital components of the body to just sustain production of the needed stress hormones.
In order to achieve relief, the adrenal glands must have an opportunity to relax and heal through diet modification, relaxation / meditation, adequate sleep, nutrition supplementation, and perception habits.
Diet Modification
Adrenal overload causes an addiction to sugars - more severe cases causes addiction to salt. The diet should be modified to include an abundant amount of raw vegetables and fruits. Avoid modified and processed foods - these are designed to have a long shelf life, not assist your nutritional needs. Simple sugars and artificial sweeteners should be avoided - cakes, cookies, soda, high fructose corn syrup. Splenda, NutriSweet, and Sweet'N Low should be replaced with raw sugar, stevia, lou han guo, or agave nectar.
Relaxation / Meditation
Most people do not spend any time during the day relaxing or meditating. Most go from alarm clock to collapsing on the pillow. Some would suggest that they spend an hour watching television, but this is not relaxation. The body needs time each time to ponder, to think, to reason in silence. Spend 15 minutes per day in silence just focusing on you.
Many people sleep but do not rest and heal. Sleep cycles can be interrupted by high cortisol levels - cortisol regulates the circadian rhythm. Those that cannot fall asleep, have a difficultly waking up once they are asleep, or could sleep all day and still not feel well rested have too much cortisol being released from their adrenal glands. Cortisol levels can successfully be lowered within days with the addition of a proper nutritional supplement. Once the cortisol levels are regulated, the individual will sleep soundly and will actually begin experience rest and healing.
Nutrition Supplementation
The adrenal glands, in an effort to produce all of the needed hormones for the body to survive, attack the entire body for needed nutrients. Thus, the body leaves a state of health and enters into a state of survival. In order to reverse this cycle, the adrenal glands need nutritional and glandular support to begin to regenerate without stealing from the rest of the body. Proper nutritional supplementation to support the adrenal glands will begin to produce effects within days. These effects may not be noticeable initially, but over time will bring significant relief and healing.
An individual's perception is key to changing the patterns of stress on the adrenal glands. Two people can perceive the same situation entirely different. Many of one's perceptions have come from a lifetime of experiences. To change perceptions, it is necessary to begin to look at things from another's viewpoint and take a relaxed approach to situations. The emotions can also affect perceptions and should also be addressed as well.
By treating the adrenal glands, one will begin to experience more energy, a balance of body weight, a reversal of symptoms, and much more! Due to the increased level of stress present within our society, adrenal treatment can not only help and assist those struggling with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, but it can also prevent future outbreaks. Checkmate!
Nathan Schilaty, D.C. specializes in treating stress related disorders at his clinic located in Loveland, Colorado. Certified in Applied Kinesiology by the International College of Applied Kinesiology, he utilizes the best of muscle activation, homeopathy, nutrition, chiropractic, myofascial therapies, cold laser, and more to assist in the restoration of one's health.
You can discover more at Centra Chiropractic's Website
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The incidence of serious underlying illnesses or conditions occurring with musculoskeletal conditions such as neck pain or low back pain is low. However, it is vital to screen out these patients so they get appropriate medical diagnosis and treatment. Red Flag questions have been developed to identify these patients and ensure that during the examination and the taking the history these considerations are not omitted. The huge rise in disability and costs from low back pain work absence has pinpointed the necessity of identifying the risk factors and formulating treatment strategies.
Psychosocial risks for long term disability and inability to work after a low back pain episode are what yellow flags identify and their principles can likely be applied to other pain syndromes. Referral for immediate medical consultation and treatment is the goal of identifying red flags, while engaging further assessment and the necessary treatment intervention is the goal of identifying yellow flags. The effort and time expended in identifying the yellow flag risk factors is wasted if there is no accompanying plan for behavioural and cognitive interventions.
The consequences of an acute episode of low back pain are important and include a diminution or loss of working activity, a loss of normal function and the suffering of the pain itself. There is a small risk of acute low back pain becoming chronic and therapeutic effectiveness at preventing chronicity may be restricted. Analgesics are not effective in preventing chronic pain but a promising approach is to attempt to control the high levels of the initial pain. Having a high level of pain in the back pain episode may make chronic pain more likely.
Believing the Pain and Activity are Damaging: A tissue injury is likely when the initial low back pain occurs but after a short period it becomes less important and rehabilitation should commence. If the patient interprets their pain as reflecting ongoing injury in the back they might choose to avoid performing normal actions and rest in response to the pain because they are fearful. However, the better strategy is to challenge the pain when it occurs by continuing with the chosen activity and as the graded approach continues the pain should subside.
The Adoption of a Sick Role: People vary hugely in how they respond to pain, sickness or injury, from ignoring it and carrying on the stopping all activity completely. Choosing to rest as a therapy for the pain is a poor choice and such a choice of a sick role is a risk factor for developing disability.
Low Mood and Social Withdrawal: The stress of a pain problem can induce low mood or depression. This can have a significant effect on a patients thinking, beliefs, attitudes and actions, tending to chose resting and poor coping strategies. A patient may also withdraw from normal social contacts, avoid going out and in some cases suffer panic attacks and become agoraphobic.
Treatment not fitting Best Practice: The physiotherapist can do a lot to change the patient's status both for good and ill. They should avoid settling for the disability and should choose active therapies aimed at improving function rather than passive therapies applied to the patient by the therapist. Physiotherapists should not criticise others' diagnoses but try and clear up any confusion about this matter and the expectation of a technological fix should be minimised. Physiotherapists have the responsibility to engage the therapies with the best evidence and to encourage patients to remain in employment.
Compensation and Legal Issues: It is common for legal claims to be instituted after spinal injuries or work related back injuries. Compensation claims can take a very long time to be settled as the process can take years as the patient consults various medical specialists. Patients may get stuck in a rut, unable to move on until all the legal proceedings are settled or fear performing any activity in public in case they are filmed by the other side.
Other difficulties which can complicate the recovery from low back pain include a previous history of low back pain, having a lot of time off, difficulties at work, poor satisfaction at work, heavy work and poor hours and an overprotective or unsupportive family.
Jonathan Blood Smyth is a Superintendent of Physiotherapy at an NHS hospital in the South-West of the UK. He specialises in orthopaedic conditions and looking after joint replacements as well as managing chronic pain. Visit the website he edits if you are looking for Physiotherapists in Bournemouth.
Chronic fatigue is an often debilitating illness that presents itself through various symptoms that are often confusing to diagnose and difficult to treat. It is a chronic illness that has continued to mystify much of the medical community as to its direct cause. This fact has contributed to the difficulty in advanced treatment protocols for patient who suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome. The Mayo Clinic has proposed several possible causes for the illness including iron deficiency anemia, disfunction in the immune system, allergies, and a virus infection by Epstein-Barr virus. The symptoms caused by this health syndrome are as varied as the possible causes of the illness.
Some of the most common symptoms of chronic fatigue are:
Extreme fatigue
Sore throat
Never a restful night's sleep
Unrelenting exhaustion for more than 24 hours after mental or physical exercise
Pain that is unrelenting throughout the body
Pains in the muscles
Allergies to various chemical or natural substances
Dizziness or fainting
TMJ problems
Night sweats and chills
Panic Attacks
Body Stiffness on arising from sleep
Sick at stomach at times
These are just some of the most common symptoms that are often described by those who suffer from chronic fatigue. The longevity and intensity of these symptoms vary from person to person. Some patients are able to stabilize the worst symptoms and experience a decline in the strength of pain and uncomfortable affects of the illness. In time, many people recover completely from the syndrome while other never are able to reach stability or remission from the symptoms.
The most commonly associated symptom of this syndrome is fatigue that seems to never go away no matter how much rest a person receives. Although sometimes excessive fatigue is the result of other health problems, if a person experiences persistent fatigue, he or she should consult a healthcare professional. The sooner that a person receives treatment for the illness the greater chance there is that chronic fatigue can be cured.
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The most likely explanation is genetics. That means that you are genetically predisposed to have anxiety in your life. It usually takes something to trigger your biological predisposition to experience anxiety attacks.
Numerous studies report that a traumatic event in your life can trigger your anxiety. If you are genetically predisposed to anxiety there are three things that increase your chances of having anxiety attacks. They are social psychological stress, substance stress, and physical stress.
Social Psychological Stress
As I said above a traumatic event can trigger your anxiety attacks things like a car accident, the loss of a loved one, the way you were raised by your parents, can all be the trigger that puts you in an anxious state.
This means something or someone contributes to your anxiety and as a result you experience mental conflict. It is the social interactions in your life and how you cope with them that determine whether they become psychological stress that turns into anxiety.
Some social stressors are, high levels of conflict around you, (especially during childhood), a high stress job or your personal relationships. We are all made up of the content of our daily lives and the content of those relations and actions can impact us positively or negatively.
So keep in mind that the environment around you can affect your mood and how you react to people and the things. How you mentally process this information will determine if you will convert it into anxiety or perhaps use it for other means.
Its silly to say but true: "when life gives you lemons make lemonade".
Keep the negative mind-speak out of your mind and concentrate on the positive. You truly are what you think about.
Substance Stress
Everything we consume becomes a part of our body and our bodies are chemical refining factories. The chemicals we consume by eating and breathing can be put to good use such as to give us energy, the ability to ward of sickness, to improve and maintain our bodies and our mind.
On the other hand there are things we consume that have a great negative effect on our body and minds physical health. We know the usual culprits, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, sugar, and illegal drugs.
These substances have a great impact on the level of anxiety that you may be feeling. They are inducements to the world of negativity and dependence and ultimately anxiety among a great deal of other bad things they do to our bodies and minds.
All the things we put into are bodies have a great cumulative effect on our nervous system.
You will truly be surprised how much eliminating these chemicals can contribute to getting rid of anxiety.
Physical Stress Factors
Our bodies and the minds reaction to what is happening to it are another way the anxiety can enter your life. You may have gotten a paper cut, this is not a big thing, but remember the moment it happened, the searing pain it caused. Remember the next two or three days when you flexed the skin in that area and how it was sore and it reminded you of the day you cut it?
Well if you suffer from any number of medical conditions it can make you acutely aware of your bodies imperfections and if this is a chronic problem and can lead you self doubt and feeling of anxiety. There are too many illnesses to list them all here but even if you just have high cholesterol, you may have anxiety over such a small and treatable illness.
You now know there re many things to be on the lookout for that can cause anxiety in us. If you want to eliminate anxiety and its causes do something positive and always eliminate the negative from your life.
Tip: When I as going through the darkest period of my life my mind was constantly full of negative thoughts. I knew I had to stop them, so every day I put a rubber band on my wrist and every time I caught myself thinking negatively I would snap the rubber band to remind me to think positive and get rid of anxiety for good.
If you would like more information on how you can Get Rid of Anxiety and Panic Attacks Forever! Go to my website []
Millions of people with anxiety disorders go on to live their lives without anxiety help. Some people don't want to rely on medication because they can be potentially addictive and have side effects. Medication is also not the best solution for anxiety disorders since they only treat the symptoms and not the root cause of the problem. Often anxiety disorders are brought on by repetitive negative association with a particular experience.
Many people find that they become dependent on medication and cannot carry on their day without them. Some even become chronic users taking medication daily for years. This raises concerns since sufferers not only become addicted to medication but also tolerant. Sufferers find it difficult to wean off medication and find that when they do, there anxiety symptoms return.
Fortunately medication isn't the only anxiety help available. Therapies such as CBT and hypnosis are much safer and effective means of treatment. This isn't to say medication can't be used in conjunction with therapy but a doctor's advice should be sought. Talk to your doctor about the best option for you and also the risks involved.
There are those that believe they have tried everything and have found that nothing works. Often people look for that miracle cure and expect results overnight. Unfortunately the mind takes time to recover and change, it is not a machine. Often anxiety disorders take months and even years to develop so one should not expect instant results.
Another common reason for not seeking anxiety help is simply that people don't recognize the symptoms of anxiety. This is because there are literally hundreds of unique symptoms. Many sufferers don't realize for years that they have an anxiety disorder. What's more there are various disorders and literally 100s of phobias, so one sufferer isn't expected to experience the same sensations as another.
Symptoms can change; one minute you have chest pains the next you might be hyperventilating. They can be intermittent and vary in severity depending on physical and emotional factors. Also they can seem non-descript or too general sounding; a headache, a stomach ache, random sharp pains and hot flashes. Sufferers might just accept their symptoms assuming that everyone experiences them.
Some sufferers realize that there is something wrong but don't know what. These people might also frequently see their doctors without ever finding a cause for their symptoms. Doctors are not always correct and sometimes misdiagnoses happen. Each person needs a unique physical and psychiatric assessment for an accurate diagnosis. What's more each person requires tailored anxiety help.
Need anxiety help? Discover a fast-acting natural solution to relieve panic attacks. Get the solution to an anxiety free life at the anxiety help site.