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2010年12月31日 星期五

New breathing therapy reduces panic and anxiety

Washington, dec 21: researchers have shown that a new breathing therapy reduces panic and anxiety by repealing hyperventilation.New treatment program teaches people who suffer from panic disorder how to reduce their symptoms by normalizing the terrorizing breathing.

A new study, the method has proven to be better than traditional Cognitive therapy to reduce both the symptom of panic and hyperventilation.

The biological treatment program called-beteendeprofiler Capnometry-Assisted respiratory training or Cards, "said Alicia e. Meuret, one of the researchers at Southern Methodist University in Dallas.

Cards helps patients learn to breathe in such a way as to turn the hyperventilation, a very uncomfortable State where blood stream works abnormally low levels of carbon dioxide, said Meuret.

Cards-CT study, was 41 patients assigned to complete a Counseling or CT treatment program for panic disorder and agoraphobia, a fear of being trapped by any escape or help.

Traditional CT teaches patients technologies aiming to help them change and reverse the catastrophic thoughts to reduce fear and panic.

Both treatment programmes was as effective in reducing symptoms, "said Meuret.

But the cards were the only treatment that physiological changes the panic symptoms through active backtrack hyperventilation in patients. Cognitive therapy '' t change the respiratory Physiology, said Meuret.

What was in the journal of Consulting and clinical psychology.


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