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2010年12月31日 星期五

Panic Disorders-what is panic disorders and how to deal with it?

High stress levels of modern society with the State of global economic problems, led to more people, becoming panic.

There are certain definite signs to watch out for people who include persistent concern and uncontrollable, anxiety, physical strain and a difficulty in concentrating.

Symptoms of panic disorders may include chest pain, sweating, trembling fear of dying discomfort or going crazy. Although the duration of some of these symptoms may be only a few minutes, repeated attacks can lead to serious if not controlled acts as quickly as possible.

A feeling of depression is usually the result and therefore should not be taken lightly. Any or all of these manifestations are symptoms of anxiety and panic disorders. Where one or two of these signs are present, a person should consult a doctor. What treatment is available for general anxiety disorder (GAD)?

Firstly any treatment is aimed at reducing chronic anxiety. Treatment consists in psychological treatment and/or medical for example. exercise routine, prescribed medicines or cognitive therapy.

Anti-depressants and other inhibitors, seems to be more favourable treatment.

But---there are also more natural, preventive methods to implement to assist people with anxiety and panic disorders

get support each other family members.
the be positive-remember only 2% of their concerns will realize.
keep a healthy diet and exercise regularly in open air-especially people who suffer from claustrophobia
the do nothing at the moment of improvisation. Plan ahead things correctly, then you may not need to panic over time.
being involved in community work as this will take your mind off your worries "called".
the do not listen to negative conversations about the economy, the future or other facets of life. Walk it.

Hi, I'm Chris,
Living the right way and be free of pain and illness is everyones dream. Get the knowledge they need to live well is everyones choice.
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New breathing therapy reduces panic and anxiety

Washington, dec 21: researchers have shown that a new breathing therapy reduces panic and anxiety by repealing hyperventilation.New treatment program teaches people who suffer from panic disorder how to reduce their symptoms by normalizing the terrorizing breathing.

A new study, the method has proven to be better than traditional Cognitive therapy to reduce both the symptom of panic and hyperventilation.

The biological treatment program called-beteendeprofiler Capnometry-Assisted respiratory training or Cards, "said Alicia e. Meuret, one of the researchers at Southern Methodist University in Dallas.

Cards helps patients learn to breathe in such a way as to turn the hyperventilation, a very uncomfortable State where blood stream works abnormally low levels of carbon dioxide, said Meuret.

Cards-CT study, was 41 patients assigned to complete a Counseling or CT treatment program for panic disorder and agoraphobia, a fear of being trapped by any escape or help.

Traditional CT teaches patients technologies aiming to help them change and reverse the catastrophic thoughts to reduce fear and panic.

Both treatment programmes was as effective in reducing symptoms, "said Meuret.

But the cards were the only treatment that physiological changes the panic symptoms through active backtrack hyperventilation in patients. Cognitive therapy '' t change the respiratory Physiology, said Meuret.

What was in the journal of Consulting and clinical psychology.


View the original article here

2010年12月30日 星期四

Panic attacks Help-what are the symptoms?

Anyone who has suffered recurring anxiety attacks do not need to read this article, if they are only too aware of the panic attack symptoms will and has already begun to consider what can panic attacks help is available. There will be some readers, but which may not be sure and have only just started experiencing the feelings that may panic attacks, so for those readers I on the general symptoms involved will run. The best advice that starts with the first identify the two types of panic attacks that widely known. More panic attacks help follows

?Not situational panic attacks. As the name would suggest, panic attacks, which appear almost out of the blue and don't seem to have caused by a certain set of circumstances. They are common when you least them as during periods of relaxation or Hibernate expected. More panic attacks help is available on this blog

Situational panic attacks. These are much easier to anticipate when they are triggered by your circumstances and the environment, such as right before going on a meeting or a presentation. More panic attacks help is available

Panic attack symptoms are varied and may take the form of a certain form of fear and distress or a combination of different. Here are a few usually experienced symptoms to recognize when help looking for panic attacks. Chest pain, sweating, headache, shortness of breath, shaking, hot flushes, pins and needles, loose bowels, dry mouth and a pounding heart. You will find that more panic attacks help on this page

Panic attack or heart attack?

Anyone who has a full blown panic attack will, I am sure that at some point have thought that they had a kind of heart attack. I would therefore like to point out from the outset that while we panic attacks offer help and advice, this is not a substitute for medical advice. If these symptoms are serious and just started am with action that you have yourself checked by your doctor, the overwhelming odds are that your heart is good, but you must be able to eliminate it. Check out the other catogries on this blog help for panic attacks

The main symptoms of heart disease are serious lack of breath, sweating, tight chest pain and heart palpitations. Now while we have already said that this also may be associated with anxiety attacks, there is a difference, if these symptoms occur during or after exercise and convenience during times of rest than they're more likely to be linked to heart disease than panic attacks. I would like to stress once again that the best way to confirm your condition is by means of an ECG, such as problems with heart disease is often displayed as electrical changes on a chart that a panic attack will only affect your pulse rate.

Panic attacks Help-A Feeling You Are Losing Control ?

Further panic attacks help should be aware of yet another symptom, and that is one of an overwhelming feeling that you control lose either mentally or physically. The physical symptoms may feel that you have no control over your bladder or your intestines, which leads to further scare you about embarrass yourself in public. The truth is that unless you with a physical disease such as diarrhoea or incontinence it is very unlikely that this will happen and it's just one of many panic attack symptoms. ?If you feel that a panic attack will happen remember panic attacks help and advice is available

On a mental level panic attacks can bring on feelings of extreme stress where you can feel that you are about to crashing your car, to run away or yelling at an inopportune moment. This is again accompanied by a feeling that you are going to embarrass yourself especially if it happens in public. ?Check out other pages of this blog help for panic attacks

So let's take a look at what panic attacks help is available under these conditions. If any of these conditions occurs, the first thing that you need to do relax and don't forget that these feelings are only symptoms of a panic attack and that they will pass it on. You will not embarrass yourself and even if you did, would it matter? Often the Act of releasing expectations and letting things are just the way that they are starting to dispel the feelings of fear. When you get anxious feels please bear in mind that panic attacks help can be found in these pages

panic attacks helpStop putting yourself under undue pressure by worrying about something that's not going to happen. Take a deep breath, as you are driving, pull on when it is safe to do so and take a few moments to let your thoughts stop racing. Acknowledge your thoughts and understands that they are just that-thoughts and as such are prone to exaggeration. Many experts in giving advice about panic attacks will tell you that life is just too short to keep up with performances always. In fact, ' more honest you are with your fears the less busy you are subjecting yourself to ' and the more your panic attack symptoms will disappear. More panic attacks help is available here on this blog

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101 Secret to Fear and Alarm

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